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What the Students Say
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Student Handbook

Students and parents have an important role in the creation of a school community, which enables the enjoyment of education by all members. This Code of Conduct sets outs the expectations of behaviour that students and parents should abide by.


Behaviour that occurs on property owned or controlled by Emerald Sixth Form, in Emerald Sixth Form online environments and classes, or at activities sponsored by or

authorised by Emerald Sixth Form, is subject to our school's Student Code of Conduct.


Students play their part by committing themselves in a mature, disciplined and organised fashion to their studies and taking full advantage of the choices and opportunities available to them.


Parents and guardians play their part by taking an active role in the progress of their son or daughter through encouragement and monitoring of attendance, punctuality and productive study routines.

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This website was designed by Year 12 ICT students at Emerald Sixth Form.    © Emerald Sixth Form 2020

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